今年MWC大奖评选分为八大类、23个奖项,主办单位特别是移动App奖项细分为Apple、BlackBerry、Android、Nokia等平台,还有一项综合Best Mobile App大奖,评选规则中,第一条就道破了过去一年App流行规则:简单为王,引领科技潮流是关键(Simplicity is king, navigation is key)
今年MWC大奖评选分为八大类、23个奖项,主办单位特别是移动App奖项细分为Apple、BlackBerry、Android、Nokia等平台,还有一项综合Best Mobile App大奖,在今年大会公布的评选规则中,第一条就道破了过去一年App流行规则:简单为王,引领科技潮流是关键(Simplicity is king, navigation is key),从入围名单不难看出个中道理,最终《愤怒的小鸟》获得最终大奖。
官网地址: http://www.mobileworldcongress.com/awards/global_mobile_awards.htm
Global Mobile App Awards | |
App of the Year on the Apple Platform | |
Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds | |
App of the Year on the BlackBerry® App World Platform | |
Research In Motion for BlackBerry Messenger | |
App of the Year on the Android Platform | |
Google for Google Maps | |
App of the Year on the Nokia Platform | |
Herocraft & InnerActive for Zum Zum | |
Best Mobile App | |
Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds | |
Category 2 – Mobile Advertising & Marketing | |
Best Mobile Advertising & Marketing Campaign | |
Mobilera – Outeractive for Unilever Cornetto Multiplayer Interactive Wall Projection Mapping Game | |
Category 3 – Best Mobile Business & Enterprise | |
Best Mobile Enterprise Product or Solution | |
Antenna for Antenna Mobility Platform (AMP) | |
Best Mobile Money Product or Solution | |
Airtel Africa, MasterCard Worldwide and Standard Chartered Bank for Airtel Card | |
Category 4 – Social & Economic Development | |
Best use of Mobile for Social & Economic Development | |
Ericsson and Flexenclosure for Ericsson Community Power | |
Best Mobile Money for the Unbanked Service | |
Vodafone Group, Safaricom, Vodacom, Vodafone Essar Limited and Roshan Ltd for M-PESA | |
Best Product, Initiative or Service for Underserved Segment | |
BBC World Service Trust for BBC Janala | |
Category 5 – Mobile Innovation | |
Best M-Health Innovation | |
Mobisante Inc for MobiUS | |
Best Mobile Learning Innovation | |
Urban Planet Mobile and PT Telkomsel for Urban English, Mobile English Learning Initiative | |
Best Mobile Innovation for Utilities | |
EDMI and Sierra Wireless for EDMI EWM100 Advanced GSM/GPRS Modem for Smart Metering Applications | |
Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive & Transport | |
Nissan Motor, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, and Telenor Connexion for ICT for Electric Vehicles | |
Best Embedded Mobile Device (Non-Handsets) | |
AT&T and VITALITY, Inc for AT&T-connected Vitality GlowCaps | |
Category 6 – Green Mobile Award | |
Green Mobile Award for Best Green Product/Service or Performance | |
Bharti Infratel for GreenTowers P7 Project | |
Category 7 – Best Mobile Devices | |
Best Mobile Device | |
Apple for iPhone 4 | |
Device Manufacturer of the Year | |
HTC | |
Category 8 – Best Technology | |
Best Mobile Broadband Technology | |
Ruckus Wireless for Ruckus Mobile Wi-Fi Gateway System | |
Best Mobile Technology for Emerging Markets | |
Orange for Orange solar base station programme | |
Best Technology Breakthrough | |
Seven Networks for SEVEN Open Channel | |
Best Customer Care & CRM | |
Airtel Africa and Tango Telecom for Tango Telecom’s ‘Dynamic Pricing Service’ | |
Category 9 – Outstanding Achievement Awards | |
GSMA Chairman’s Award | |
Dr. Wang Jianzhou, Chairman, China Mobile | |
Government Leadership Award | |
Government of Afghanistan |
以下为今年Best Mobile App入围名单,及简单的介绍和点评:
1. FlipBoard:iPad社区杂志软件
Flipboard的灵感来自于创始人迈克•麦克库伊(Mike McCue)在飞机上阅读多本杂志的经历,他突发奇想,“为什么不能把这种体验带到电脑上去呢?”但直到iPad面世,迈克的构想才成为可能。
2. Foursquare:地址信息工具(LBS),用户可以通过手机找到附近所在位置
3. Google Goggles:视觉搜索工具,使用者只需用手机拍下照片,便可搜索相关资讯
Google Goggles使用的方式相当简单,第一次打开程序时,它会先做个简短的小说明,基本上就是它会开启拍照模式,取景之后按拍摄键,相机就会做自动对焦(如果支持的话)并且拍摄照片,之后程序就会分析照片里面的成份、并且在 Google上面搜寻,如果你拍的是景点照片,搜寻出来的就是这个景点的名称与地点、搜寻书本可以告诉你是什么书,还可以拍画作之类的东西,程序都可以搜得到。不过它也有些限制,比如拍摄动物、家具、服饰之类的东西,就不太搜得到东西了。
4. Google Maps:网上地图,第一个想到的当然就是Google Maps!
Google推出移动平台版本,增加离线支持、3D建筑、及罗盘定位等功能 。
谷歌地图(Google Maps)是 Google 公司提供的电子地图服务,包括局部详细的卫星照片。能提供三种视图:一是矢量地图(传统地图),可提供政区和交通以及商业信息;二是不同分辨率的卫星照片(俯视图,跟 Google Earth 上的卫星照片基本一样);三是地形视图,可以用以显示地形和等高线。它的姊妹产品是Google Earth。
5. Angry Birds:紅遍全球的移动游戏
推出两天就突破两百万次下载量,随后声势更是一飞沖天!Angry Birds让移动游戏回到最原始也是最重要的初衷,简单就是力量!
Angry Birds 是一款首发于iOS,而后跨平台的触摸类游戏。愤怒的小鸟为了护蛋,展开了与绿皮猪之间的斗争,触摸控制弹弓,完成射击。
6. Spotify:音乐P2P服务
一年多前在大家的期盼下,终于顺利于Apple App Store上架,日前市场传闻四月即将推出的Facebook手机,也将内置这款来自瑞典的线上音乐服务。